I've been patiently waiting for summer to arrive since last September, and now I feel like it's flying by so fast. There are a number of reasons that I love summer, the main one being that my birthday month is smack dab in the middle of it, and yes, I said "my birthday month" because I feel the need to dedicate the entire month of July to me and my birthday since I was suppose to be born early in July, yet I did not arrive until late July. I also love summer because I have a few months off from Chalker and ASP, I love to go to the pool and try to get tan, my family always goes on vacation (to the beach, visit family and such), and I could not be satisfied in my life without the beauty of summer nights. If it was up to me I would sleep outside every night during the summer looking up at the stars and listening to all the nighttime sounds. There is just something different about nights in the summer that I have fallen in love with. Needless to say (again), I love the summer.
This summer, however, I am falling out of love with. It is already July (my birthday month), and I feel like I have lost over half of my summer break. I have been babysitting Monday-Friday since May 26th, and when I get home from my exhuasting days I crash on the couch. We took a 7 day vacation to visit family, and I honestly considered not coming back. Yes, I was in Mississippi, not the most fun place in the world, but the best place for me to relax and enjoy being around my family. There's just something about being out in the country with no traffic, loud noises, or interuptions that gets me. Oh, and did I mention that the nights during the summer are so much better out there? They are! Over there is in a normal everyday thing to go out and sit on your front porch with your family doing nothing....in Georgia that is not considered normal. I miss it.
The other day momma told me that we won't be going to Mississippi for Christmas vacation, like we have every year in the past. I think that part is what is getting to me the most. Now that Papaw is gone, everything is changing and I have prayed that it wouldn't. I don't like it. We normally spend Christmas here with daddy then on the 26th we leave and head for Mississippi and stay there until the 2nd week of January. This year we won't do any of that. It just doesn't seem right to me. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
So, back to my summer. Today, I am babysitting yet again. Alison, Matt, and I just got back from going to the library, (where I sat and did nothing), driving to chick-fil-a so we could get something to drink, (where I ordered a large sweet tea and ended up getting a medium coke...what the hell?), and then searching 15 minutes to find a walmart so that I could get a coloring book, (which, yes, is for me, not the kids), I am now sitting at the house with the kids, drinking my nasty coke, eating a Mr. Goodbar and coloring in a "princess charming" coloring book. Great fun...right? At this point, no. But who knows, maybe it will get better.
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